Synchro is a UN Ocean Decade Project. And it’s all about Co-Design!

The Ocean Decade of the United Nations (2021-2030) has 271 projects that fall within its highlighted challenges. Of those 17 challenges, one is Ocean Observing C0-Design: Evolving Ocean Observing for a Sustainable Future, sponsored by The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).

Synchro landing page on UN website

Beneath that umbrella are a dozen projects, of which Synchro is one: Co-design for technology evolution! It’s a fantastic opportunity to be part of the larger GOOS community and recognized by the other UN-endorsed projects, especially on the topic of co-design, which is Synchro’s main engine.

But what is co-design?

Successful co-design is defined here as actions that:

  • Involve all concerned stakeholders
  • Engage all stakeholders throughout all stages (e.g. identification, production and dissemination)
  • Build on pre-existing relationships, networks and shared experiences and embraces transdiscplinary resource.

For a fantastic breakdown on co-design and how to bring that into an ocean program successfully, please click on resource below :

Co-design guidance document front page