Have you heard of SEER? They synthesize useful information on offshore wind
Have you heard of SEER? They synthesize useful information on offshore wind

Offshore wind is coming to the west coast, and as with many topics on the internet, the rabbit hole of information can feel endless. But if you want one source of information to call on for offshore wind questions, we highly recommend the SEER website: Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research.
It is a joint collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Wind Energy Technologies Office, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (a mouthful!), and has webinar series, research briefs and research recommendations.
The research briefs are digestible for the educated public and cover these topics:
To join the next webinar of this series on July 6th, please register here. It is titled Recent Advances in Autonomous Environmental Monitoring Technologies to Support Offshore Wind Energy Development.
Synchro’s recommendation: bookmark this site!